Intracavitary Radiation Applicator

Project ID D2005-05 


High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy is an internal radiation treatment that distinguishes itself from external beam radiotherapy by passing a source of radiation through thin tubes placed either within cancerous tissue (interstitial HDR), or inside a body cavity in close vicinity of tumors. These approaches allow treatment to be concentrated in the area in which it is needed while reducing exposure of healthy tissue to the radiation. To minimize off-target exposure for tumors, specific pelvic applicators, such as vaginal or rectal cylinders, or colpostats are paired to deliver localized treatment.

Invention Description

 Researchers from the University of Toledo developed an applicator for use in HDR brachytherapy that is well suited for cancers of the pelvis, including uterine cervical cancers, vaginal and rectal cancers or cancers of endometrium. The device contains balloons coaxially positioned around the central radiation tube that can be selectively expanded to a patient’s specific anatomy, allowing for patient-specific dosimetry through imaging and target delineation, and accurate dose delivery to a planned target volume. The single use applicator insertion is tolerated well and upon completion of radiation delivery, it is deflated and removed from patient.


  • High Dose Rate Brachytherapy treatment
  • Ovarian/cervical cancers
  • Endometrial Cancers
  • Vaginal and rectal cancers


  • Multiple conformations possible within a single device
  • Can accommodate more challenging anatomy
  • Collapsible design makes device insertion comfortable and provides superior patient specific targeted treatment
  • Controlled expansion is more comfortable for patient than one-size-fits all devices
  • Imaging is superior and target volume can be delineated for accurate dose delivery.

IP Status:                             Issued US patent 8,961,383 and pending patent EP2146771A1

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