Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Generated Using Lentivirus-based Reprogramming

Five human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) lines are generated using lentivirus-based reprogramming technology. These lines are pluripotent, meaning they have the potential to differentiate into all cells in the body, and theoretically can proliferate/self-renew indefinitely. The iPSC lines are: NC1 (derived from female's fibroblasts), NC2 (derived from female's fibroblasts ), NC3 (derived from male's HUVECS), NC4 (derived from male's fibroblasts) and NC5 (derived from female's fibroblasts). Further details of these cells are available upon request. NC1 uses a retrovirus delivery system incorporating the following vectors: pMIG-hKLF4, pMIG-hOCT4, pMIG-hSOX2, and MSCV h c-MYC IRES GFP. NC2-NC5 use the hSTEMCCA-loxP lentivirus delivery system (a gift from Dr. Gustavo Mostoslavsky). These cell lines will be useful for studies related to stem cell biology, understanding diseases, potential cell therapies, and small molecule screening.
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