In 2021, 134,592 people died from lung cancer, or 22% of all cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death overall and among both men and women. While the increased use of CT screening for lung cancer has resulted in a reduction in lung cancer mortality, it has also resulted in an increased detection of benign pulmonary nodules. Patients often undergo unnecessary, costly and invasive procedures only to find that the pulmonary nodules are benign. There is a need for diagnostic tests that can differentiate between malignant and benign nodules, that when combined with CT screening provides an improved diagnostic performance.
Researchers at the Biodesign Institute of Arizona State University and other collaborators have identified nineteen antigens as potential biomarkers for early stage detection of lung adenocarcinoma. An autoantibody panel was reported that had a 30% sensitivity at 89% specificity to distinguish lung cancer from high-risk controls with smoking histories. A comparison between autoantibody responses between lung cancer and patients with a CT positive pulmonary nodules revealed a related but different autoantibody panel with a sensitivity of 30% at 88% specificity. These nineteen antigens have not previously been associated with lung cancer and can be utilized on an array or other substrate as a diagnostic test in which patient sera is tested for lung cancer autoantibodies.
These biomarkers and autoantibody signature provide the first blood test that is clinically able to differentiate lung cancer patients from CT positive populations.
Related Publication: Comparative Study of Autoantibody Responses between Lung Adenocarcinoma and Benign Pulmonary Nodules
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