NU 2009-001
Wei Zhang
Aaron Packman*
Tadas Sileika
Short Description
A self-enclosed UV disinfection unit that includes a series of capillary tubes in a reflective housing with a UV source
The UV disinfection unit is positioned in-line with inflow/outflow tubing of a circulating flow system, so as to provide flow-through disinfection without disrupting flow. Single-pass efficiencies are high since the glass capillaries are very thin and transparent to UV light. Multiple passes can be used to achieve even higher killing efficiency.
The UV disinfection system is shown in Figure 1 below.
The invention won the Peter Gilbert Poster Award for Excellence in Innovation and Biofilm Control.
Stage of Development
Packman A, Zhang W, Sileika T, Liu Y, and Chen C (2009) 'Interplay between environmental gradients and biofilm growth,' 5th ASM Conference on Biofilms.
IP Status
Issued US Patent No. 8,653,481
Figure 1 Photos of the UV disinfection system
Figure 2 Impact of UV system on bacterial abundance