Adaptor for Suspending a Cryovial Over a Centrifuge Tube

The invention pertains to a device and system for expediting the thawing of frozen specimens (e.g., cryopreserved cells) contained in cryo-vials. An adaptor support suspends cryo-vials over a centrifuge tube containing culture medium in an inverted position. The adaptor has an elongated tubular body. While relatively basic, the adaptor dramatically expedites the process of recovering viable cells from frozen specimens. It reduces the labor time for thawing from several minutes to a few seconds. There is virtually no labor involved and enables a single person to load hundreds of samples within minutes. The cells, once thawed, spend essentially no time in liquid cryopreservative, since they are diluted instantly into growth medium contained in the centrifuge tubes. This process ensures the highest viability as well as recovery from each specimen while dramatically increasing throughput. Importantly, the elimination of multiple labor-intensive steps minimizes variation in viability and yield.
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