We have developed a 3D printed inner ventricular membrane model of the heart that is capable of a realistic depiction of the ventricular contractions and cardiac stroke volume that take place within the human heart. This development will allow physicians, researchers, and educators to actively visualize the mechanisms in action within the heart without having to intrude into a live human body to do so. Each simulated ventricle and compressible membrane are directly derived from 3D rendered images taken from the patient’s heart. Aspects of the model include a pulsatile flow pump, connected through external tubes and valves, serving as a hydrodynamic driver for inflow and outflow into and out of the compression sac. This not only saves money and time, but it will revolutionize the way that cardiologists observe, predict, and plan future procedures.
Diagram Depicting the Flow of Simulated Blood, Compressions, and Contractions that Occur Within the 3D Heart Model