Search Results - vinata+vedam-mai

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Star, Branched, and Graft Polymers in Binders for Inkjet Additive Manufacturing for Personalized Dosage Tablets
THE CHALLENGE A major problem posed by the pharmaceutical industry is giving effective dosages while not giving excessive amounts of a particular drug. An estimated 80% of side effects in humans and animals are a direct result of inaccurate dosing because varying weights in patients. Additive manufacturing has emerged as a very promising method to...
Published: 1/31/2024   |   Inventor(s): Emily Wilts, Timothy Long, Christopher Williams, Da Ma
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Additive Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Biomedical, Technology Classifications > Chemicals/Materials, Technology Classifications > Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Immune-Mediated Therapeutic Vaccine for Lewy Body Diseases
Modulates Patient's Immune System to Reduce Lewy Body Protein AggregatesThis therapeutic vaccine treats Lewy body diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, by clearing misfolded protein aggregates utilizing a patient's own immune system. An estimated 1.4 million people in the U.S. suffer from Lewy body dementia, making it the second most frequent...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Michael Okun, Vinata Vedam-Mai, Catherine Flores, Duane Mitchell
Keywords(s): Adoptive cell therapy, alpha-synuclein, Cell Therapy, lewy body disease
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Others, Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Therapeutics