Search Results - tianyi+yao

2 Results Sort By:
Active Nematic Colloids For Microrobotics And Materials Assembly
A material mixture (active colloids immersed in nematic liquid crystals) that act as microrobots for directed assembly and micromanipulation of passive colloidal particles. Problem: Colloids interact with areas of distortion, such as with walls or with defects in the environment such as sharp edges and can become trapped along disclination lines in...
Published: 11/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tianyi Yao, Kathleen Stebe
Keywords(s): Nanotechnology, Platform Technology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Robotics
Multistable elastic pixels (MEPs) for reversible programming of optical properties
­Two-dimensional materials patterned with colloidal pixels that can be actuated by external forces (such as electromagnetic fields) for stable switching of optical properties. Problem: Current reversible metasurfaces either cannot be programmed for specific functionalities or are difficult to control. Ideal metamaterials comprising discrete,...
Published: 10/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kathleen Stebe, Tianyi Yao, Nader Engheta
Keywords(s): Nephrology and Urology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Materials