Search Results - technologies+%3e+food+%26+nutrition+%3e+agriculture+and+plant+sciences

39 Results Sort By:
New Oilseed Remodeling
Unmet Need: Improved fatty acid production and composition in oilseed crops Unusual fatty acids are useful in the production of foods, biofuels, and feedstocks for industrial chemicals. Existing plants that accumulate meaningful amounts of desired unusual fatty acids such as hydroxy fatty acids are either banned in the US (Ricinus communis) or are...
Published: 2/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Phil Bates, Sajina Bhandari, Prasad Parchuri, Abdul Azeez
Keywords(s): Biofuels, Bioproducts, Biotechnology, fatty acid, Metabolic engineering, Plant Based Products
Category(s): Technologies > Energy & Environment > Bioproducts, Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences
Wheat Variety 'Otto' (WA8092), Soft White Winter Wheat
Otto, is a soft white common wheat developed and released in 2011 by the Agricultural Research Center of Washington State University. Otto was named in honor of Otto Amen, a former state representative, WSU alumnus, and wheat producer who established an endowment to fund dryland wheat research in Washington.Otto provides a combination of excellent yield...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Arron Carter, Stephen Jones
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences, Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Cereal Varieties, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Biotechnology
Recovery of Valuable Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels
Unmet Need: High-yielding extraction of bioactive compounds without the use of toxic solvents The growing consumption of fresh potatoes in food processing industries has led to a fast-increasing generation of potato peels. More than 1.01 million metric tons of fresh peels were produced in the northwest of the United States in 2011. The lack of efficient...
Published: 6/9/2023   |   Inventor(s): Xiangyu Gu, Jose Martinez Fernandez, Shulin Chen
Keywords(s): Bioactive Compounds, Biomass and materials utilization, Liquefaction, Potato Peels, Sustainability
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Clean Tech
Novel Cost-Effective Biochars for Phosphate Removal
​Unmet Need: Safe and low-cost method for phosphate removal from liquid effluents Billion-dollar businesses such as large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and fertilizer industries generate substantial quantities of wastes in the form of manure and contaminated waste run-offs responsible for releasing enormous amounts of nutrients such as...
Published: 5/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Manuel Garcia-Perez, Michael Apasiku, Sohrab Haghighi Mood, Jean-Sabin McEwen
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Sustainable resources
Germline Ablation in Goats
Unmet Need: Accurate and dependable breeding of desired traits While livestock all over the world exhibit a variety of traits that allow them to survive in different environments, they don’t always have other qualities breeders deem to be desirable, like high quality meat or growth potential. In the past, people would bring in a male –...
Published: 5/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jon Oatley, Irina Polejaeva
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Animal Research, Genome editing, Germline Ablation, Nanos2, Sperm, Spermatgonial stem cell
Category(s): Products, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Biotechnology, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Veterinary, Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences
The UQCRC1 Promoter Polymorphisms with High Expression Activity Increase Muscle Lipid Accumulation & Subcutaneous Fat Depth
Significant improvements in animal performance, efficiency and carcass and meat quality have been made over the years through the application of standard animal breeding and selection techniques. However, such classical animal breeding techniques require several years of genetic evaluation of performance records on individual animals and their relatives...
Published: 4/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Zhihua Jiang, Tanja Kunej, Jennifer Michal
Keywords(s): Veterinary
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences
Pneumatic spray delivery reservoir
Challenge: Pressure drop in fixed sprayers for high density trellised orchards Farmers are pursuing increased crop density in orchards using trellised trees. Existing irrigation and agrochemical applicators are not optimized for such orchards. Challenges with mobile pesticide sprayers include operators’ proximity to concentrated chemicals,...
Published: 5/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lav Khot, Rajeev Sinha, Rakesh Ranjan, Gwen-Alyn Hoheisel, Matthew Grieshop, Ramesh Sahni
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Application technology, Engineering, Fixed spray systems, Sustainability
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences
Software Application for Crop and Pest Management in Africa
Challenge: Update farmers about emerging management techniques and pest controlFarmers in Africa are sometimes uninformed on modern farm practices and technologies. Language and literacy challenges make it difficult to spread information on pests and the results of academic research. Existing information tools often rely on active internet access...
Published: 5/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Cornelius Adewale, Lynne Carpenter-Boggs
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Agriculture and Plant Sciences, Big Data
Category(s): Technologies > Equitable & Thriving Communities > Educational/Trainings, Technologies > Equitable & Thriving Communities > Informatics, Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences
Cellulose Dispersions for Reducing Cold Damage in Tree Fruit
Unmet Need: More cost-effective and less labor-intensive cold damage protection technologyEconomic loss from cold damage is one of the most prevalent recurring production issues in temperate fruit industry, and poses a significant challenge to profitable and sustainable production. Each year, the U.S. produces >15M tons of deciduous fruit crops that...
Published: 8/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Xiao Zhang, Changki Mo, Matthew Whiting, Qin Zhang
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Clean Tech, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Chemistry
Generating Ammonia Excreting Mutant Bacterial Strains
Generating Ammonia Excreting Mutant Bacterial StrainsUnmet Need: Effective Nitrogen-fixing Symbioses of Non-Legumes.Legumes have been an integral part of sustainable agricultural systems for thousands of years due to their ability to form nitrogen fixing symbioses with diazotrophic bacteria. Unfortunately, many important food species including the grasses,...
Published: 4/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): John Peters, Florence Mus, Alexander Alleman, Nathaniel Boyer
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Biotechnology
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