Search Results - steven+strauss

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Shoot Inducing Genes for Improved Production of Transgenic Plants
This invention, using Agrobacterium gene clusters, enables passive regeneration of transgenic cells without the need for plant hormones Background For plants which are recalcitrant (difficult) to transform, poor performance is usually associated with inadequate DNA delivery or difficult regeneration response. There is a need for improved methods...
Published: 9/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Greg Goralogia, Steven Strauss
Keywords(s): Agrobacterium, Biotechnology, gene transfer, gene-edited, transgenic
Category(s): Agricultural
Improved Lox SItes for Cre Recombination Plants
Provides recombination sites for the most widely used recombinase that facilitate increased plant activity Background Site-specific recombinases are widely used molecular tools for performing DNA manipulations both in vitro and in vivo, with applications in research and biotechnology. This includes deletion, integration, and inversion of target...
Published: 9/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Greg Goralogia, Steven Strauss
Keywords(s): Recombinase
Category(s): Biological Materials, Agricultural