Search Results - solar

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Monolithic bifacial perovskite-CdSeTe tandem thin film solar cells for harvesting light from the environment
Project #D2021-04Invention DescriptionThe University of Toledo has developed a new tandem solar cell design — the bifacial tandem (Fig. 1) that enabled the first realization of a working monolithic tandem solar cell comprising wide-bandgap metal halide perovskite and narrow-bandgap cadmium selenide telluride (CdSeTe, or CST). The bifacial strategy...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yanfa Yan, Zhaoning Song, Kamala Khanal Subedi, Randall Ellingson
Keywords(s): Bandgap, Bifacial, CdSeTe, CdTe, CIGS, Perovskite , Tandem
Category(s): Materials, Solar
PERC-like contact for CdTe Solar Cells
Project ID: D2019-40BackgroundCdCl2 activation is a well-known method to passivate grain boundaries for CdTe solar cells. In crystalline silicon solar cells, manufacturers have started to modify film structures to incorporate a passivated layer. These are called Passivated Emitter and Rear Cells (PERC). The additional layer decreases the recombination...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Heben, Adam Phillips, Fadhil Alfadhili
Keywords(s): CdTe, Passivated, PERC, Solar
Category(s): Solar
Additive for improved stability of perovskites against water
Project ID: D2019-50 Background Perovskites are commonly used in photovoltaics, LEDs, and water splitting devices. Despite success in increasing cell efficiencies using perovskites, their instability against moisture limits their practical application. Incorporating hydrophobic materials into the perovskite has been used to mitigate this problem,...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yanfa Yan, Chongwen Li, Baicheng Weng
Keywords(s): Perovskite , Solar cell
Category(s): Materials, Solar
Inexpensive, Earth-Abundant, and Tunable Hole Transport Material for CdTe Solar Cells
Project ID: D2017-08Background Photovoltaic (PV) cells have been produced with a wide variety of materials for each functional layer. The typical PV is a substrate layer coated with a semiconductor layer and two ohmic contacts. Thin film solar cells use a thin absorbing layer, such as Cadmium telluride (CdTe). CdTe is the most eco-friendly, high efficiency,...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Randall Ellingson, Khagendra Bhandari, Michael Heben, Suneth Watthage
Keywords(s): CdTe, Hole transport layer, Photovoltaics, Solar cell
Category(s): Electrical, Solar
A Bi-level Equalizer for Battery Cell Charge Management
Project ID: D2016-41 Background: Lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles (EV) begin to degrade much faster after the capacity drops below about 80%, and manufacturers recommend that they be replaced at about this point. However, these batteries still have adequate capacity for other applications, and it is expected that vast numbers will soon...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Stuart, Thomas Stuart
Keywords(s): Battery, Electric/Hybrid Vehicles, Energy Storage, Equalizer
Category(s): Electrical, Solar