Search Results - scott+banks

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Cellular Micro-Masonry System to Build Highly Defined 3D Biological Structures
Creates Precise Multicellular 3D Structures Needed for Experiments in Diverse Research Areas This micro-biofabrication system combines computer vision, robotics, micromanipulation tools, and a novel culture medium to enable the creation of optimized 3D cellular structures. A level of exquisite detail exists in the intricate pattern and spatial structure...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Angelini, Scott Banks, Sarah Ellison, Catherine Flores, Duane Mitchell, Cameron Morley
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical, Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Diagnostics
Advanced Robotic Imaging System for Image-Guided Surgery
Coordinates Movement of Intraoperative Imaging Platforms and Surgical Tools Using Highly Advance Robotic ArmsThis system of robotic arms increases accuracy and efficiency of image guided surgery (IGS). The IGS device market is projected to exceed $5 billion by 2023. Although they provide an improvement to surgical accuracy and precision, available IGS...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Scott Banks, Frank Bova
Keywords(s): Image Guided Robotic Surgery, Image Guided Surgery, Robot Assissted Surgery, Robotic Imaging System, Surgical Navigation, Surgical Robotic Device
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Equipment