Search Results - samuel+cohen

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Uses of Hyperthermal Atomic Beam for Low Temperature Diamond Growth
Use of Hyperthermal Atomic Beam for Low Temperature Diamond Growth Princeton Docket #14-2959 High quality diamond films, currently grown only at high substrate temperatures, are desirable for their mechanical hardness, thermal conduction, electrical resistivity, durability and optical transparency. A low temperature process to produce such high quality...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Samuel Cohen, Erik Gilson, Winston Chan
Keywords(s): aerospace, materials, small molecule, thin films
Category(s): Materials
Fueling Method for Small, Steady-State, Aneutronic FRC Fusion Reactors
Fueling Method for Small, Steady-State, Aneutronic FRC Fusion Reactors Princeton Docket # 14-2962 Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton University have disclosed a method to efficiently supply controlled and accurately timed amounts of deuterium and the rare element, 3He, to the core of small field-reversed-configuration...
Published: 6/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Samuel Cohen, Daren Stotler, Michael Buttolph
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Chemistry