Search Results - roy+curtiss

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Bacterial Vector Vaccine to Reduce Incidence of Stomach Cancer, Gastric Ulcers, and Inflammation
Induces Immunity Against H. Pylori Infection That Leads to Gastric Cancer and Ulcers in Humans This developing vaccine against H. pylori bacteria will inhibit infection and reduce incidence of gastric ulcers and stomach cancer. This will be the first effective vaccine for use against H. pylori. In addition, the vaccine will be administered orally. Researchers...
Published: 2/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Roy Curtiss, Amir Ghasemi
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Therapeutics
Bacterial Vector Vaccine to Protect Livestock from Brucellosis
Induces Immunity to Infection by Brucella sp. in Domestic RuminantsThis vaccine uses a bacterial vector to deliver multiple Brucella melitensis antigens that should produce enhanced immunogenicity and prevent brucellosis in farm animals. Brucella abortus, melitensis and suis infect cattle (and other large ruminants), sheep and goats, and swine, respectively....
Published: 2/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Roy Curtiss
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Therapeutics
Adaptable, Multi-Species, Attenuated Live Bacterial Vector Vaccine for Use in Aquaculture Systems that Eliminates Handling of Fish
Immersing Farm-Raised Fish Protects Against White Spot Disease and Induces Immunity Against SepticemiaThis recombinant attenuated bacterial vaccine vector is the first live, attenuated bacterial vector developed specifically for use in fish raised in aquaculture systems. This technology enables vaccination against common diseases that afflict fish raised...
Published: 2/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Roy Curtiss, Banikalyan Swain
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Veterinary > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Agricultural > Therapeutics
Programmable Vaccines
The Curtiss Lab at Arizona State University has developed a next generation vaccine platform that uses bacteria to deliver protective antigens or DNA vaccines encoding protective antigens to prevent a variety of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases. The bacterial carrier acts as a programmable and targeted 'guided missile', delivering the...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Roy Curtiss, Shifeng Wang, Soo-Young Wanda, Wei Kong
Keywords(s): Agriculture and Animal Science, Bio-Technology, Therapeutics
Category(s): Life Science (All LS Techs), Agriculture/Animal Health, Vaccines/Antimicrobials