Search Results - rouzbeh+behnia

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FESA: Fast and Efficient Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning
­Advantages: Protects user data during federated learning, ensuring individual privacy without compromising analysis. Minimizes data transfer, improves federated learning convergence speed and reducing resource consumption. Requires just one trustworthy assisting node, making implementation and scalability more straightforward. Summary: This...
Published: 9/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rouzbeh Behnia, Mohammedreza Ebrahimi, Thang Hoang, Balaji Padmanabhan
Keywords(s): Cybersecurity, Data Mining
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Data/AI > Cybersecurity - Data/AI, Technology Classifications > Computer Science > Computers Software & Information Technology
EW-Tune: A Framework for Privately Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with Differential Privacy
­Advantages: EW-Tune framework ensures robust privacy, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive AI data. Differing from conventional approaches, EW-Tune is custom-tailored for enhancing already established AI models, streamlining the process. Summary: This technology introduces EW-Tune, a pioneering solution aimed at refining AI language...
Published: 4/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Mohammedreza Ebrahimi, Rouzbeh Behnia, Balaji Padmanabhan
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Data/AI > Cybersecurity - Data/AI
A System And Method For Lightweight Post-Quantum Authentication For The Internet Of Things And Systems
Competitive Advantages Less memory is required for the signature and communication, as it does not require the signer to store and send the public key. Meets the NIST post-quantum cryptography standard with faster and memory-efficient processing on the signer’s side. The algorithm does not require any repetition of the signing algorithm....
Published: 7/12/2023   |   Inventor(s): Rouzbeh Behnia, Attila Yavuz
Keywords(s): Authentication and Biometric Systems, Cryptography and Intrusion Detection, Internet of Things / IoT
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Science > C/S Cybersecurity, Technology Classifications > Computer Science > C/S Sensors, Technology Classifications > Computer Science, Technology Classifications > Data/AI, Technology Classifications > Data/AI > Cybersecurity - Data/AI, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Sensors
Energy-Aware Digital Signatures
Competitive Advantages Least energy consumption Fast signature generation Enhanced battery life of IoT devices Memory efficient small private key and signatures Summary Inventors at USF have devised a unique approach which would help in authentication of IoT devices. The new digital signature scheme referred to as Energy-aware...
Published: 4/20/2023   |   Inventor(s): Attila Yavuz, Muslum Ozmen, Rouzbeh Behnia
Keywords(s): Green Technology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Science, Technology Classifications > Energy & Environment > Energy Engineering, Technology Classifications > Energy & Environment
Efficient Identity-Based and Certificate-Less Cryptosystems
Competitive Advantages Seamless interaction between identity-based and certificate-less setting Low overhead cost Summary USF inventors have created novel certificate-free cryptosystems that achieve significant computation and communication efficiency over current techniques. It harnesses message encoding technique and the exponent product...
Published: 8/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rouzbeh Behnia, Muslum Ozmen, Attila Yavuz
Keywords(s): Internet of Things / IoT, Machine Learning, Telecommunication / Wireless Communication
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Science, Technology Classifications > Computer Science > C/S Cybersecurity
Lattice-based Proof-of-Work Algorithms for Post-Quantum Blockchains
Competitive Advantages Higher post-quantum resiliency Leveraging the wasted energy Fast verification and adjustable difficulty Summary Our researchers have developed scalable and efficient quantum-safe PoW algorithms that offer significantly higher resiliency against quantum computers compared to the existing algorithms. First, they created...
Published: 9/8/2022   |   Inventor(s): Muslum Ozmen, Rouzbeh Behnia, Attila Yavuz
Keywords(s): Blockchain, Other Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Science