Efficient Identity-Based and Certificate-Less Cryptosystems

Competitive Advantages

  •     Seamless interaction between identity-based and certificate-less setting
  •     Low overhead cost


USF inventors have created novel certificate-free cryptosystems that achieve significant computation and communication efficiency over current techniques. It harnesses message encoding technique and the exponent product of powers property to provide implicit certification more efficiently.  The certificate-less key exchange protocol is highly efficient, while the encryption and signature schemes do not introduce any additional overhead as well as eliminating certificate overhead. This system is applicable to low-power embedded devices, IoT networks and machine-to-machine communication securities. 

Network Environment with Cryptosystems

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Efficient Identity-based and Certificateless Cryptosystems Utility United States 16/442,467 10,673,625 6/15/2019 6/2/2020 6/15/2039