Search Results - raymond+(ray)+dingledine

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Two-terminal multicolor photo-detectors (PD) and focal plane arrays (FPA)
The state of the art of two-color focal plane arrays (FPAs) are two or three terminal photo detector pixels integrated with electronic readout circuits (ROICs). However, a multicolor (> 2) photodetector pixel requires many more terminals, making it very difficult, if not impossible, to integrate multicolor pixel arrays to ROICs due to the increase...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yong-Hang Zhang, Ding Ding, Elizabeth Steenbergen
Category(s): Physical Science, Semiconductor Devices
Cytotoxicity-Based Genetic Selection for Targeted Drug Screening
Applications Screening method for drug discovery and investigating protein-protein interactions. Technical Summary Drug discovery is typically dependant on screening methods that involve negative selection, or the death of cell cultures when exposed to a specific drug. This invention, a cytoxicity-based genetic selection method (TOXSEL), introduces...
Published: 10/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Raymond (Ray) Dingledine, John Collier, Haian Fu
Keywords(s): Enzyme/Protein
Category(s): TechPub Algolia > Drug Discovery