Search Results - phone

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Convenient Caller ID Verification Protocol for All Telephony Networks
AuthLoop Allows Efficient Cryptographic Authentication via Voice ChannelThis caller ID verification system allows efficient authentication through the voice data channel, improving consumer security on phone calls occurring on any combination of available telephony networks. Sensitive information, including banking and credit card account authorizations,...
Published: 6/23/2022   |   Inventor(s): Patrick Traynor, Logan Blue, Bradley Reaves
Keywords(s): authentication, cryptography, phone
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Computer Science
3-D Reconstruction and Reality Augmentation using
TechnologyA marker-less augmented reality method that is operable in mobile applications is proposed in this invention. In particular, the invention works through a projection of color-coded light on a 3D object. A camera captures this image, which is then analyzed to obtain the correspondence between the deformation of the observed light pattern with...
Published: 1/6/2025   |   Inventor(s): Gina Tang
Keywords(s): 3D, Augmented Reality (AR), Education, Entertainment, Imaging, Mobile, Phone, Smart Technology, Virtual Reality (VR)
Category(s): Software, Engineering > Electronics