Search Results - optical+fibers%2fmaterials%2fother

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Hydrothermal Growth of Single Crystals for UV Solid State Lasers (2017-002)
This crystal growth approach utilizes a hydrothermal process to produce single crystals for use in ultraviolet (UV) solid state lasers. The global market for industrial lasers is projected to grow from $4.6 billion in 2015 to $6.3 billion in 2020, reflecting a significant and growing commercial interest. Existing crystals for UV solid state lasers consistently...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Joseph Kolis, Colin Mcmillen
Keywords(s): Optical Fibers/Materials/Other, Photonic Crystals
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Organic Fluorophores for More Efficient Plastic Scintillators (2016-019)
These organic fluorophores have enhanced luminosity in response to ionizing radiation, increasing the efficiency of plastic scintillators and providing greater environmental stability. With increasing investments in radiation monitoring for homeland security, the scintillator market is expected to reach $607.21 Million by 2025. Currently available plastic...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Valery Bliznyuk, Ayman Seliman, Timothy Devol, Nadezhda Derevyanko, Alexander Ishchenko
Keywords(s): Analytical/Diagnostics/Instru./Sensors-Medical/Biological, Medical Device, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Reduced-Cost, Ambient Desorption Optical Emission Spectroscopy for Performing Elemental Analysis (2016-018)
This analytical instrument uses ambient desorption optical emission spectroscopy (AD-OES) to perform elemental analysis on samples as diverse as metallic thin films, solution residues, powders, and bulk metals – directly from the solid state. Ambient desorption refers to the capability to analyze substances in their native state, and the ability...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Marcus, Htoo Paing, Xinyan Zhang
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Analytical/Instrumentation/Sensors-Non-Medical/NonBiological, Coatings, Manufacturing, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
A Brillouin Athermal Optical Fiber (2012-082)
Optical fibers are enablers of a wide variety of modern technologies. However, during use, optical fibers heat up and their performance can subsequently change. This form of thermal dependence is especially problematic for high energy fiber laser and optical fiber sensor systems. Currently, the market for optical fiber sensors is projected to be $4...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): John Ballato, Peter Dragic
Keywords(s): Analytical/Instrumentation/Sensors-Non-Medical/NonBiological, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
All Solid Large Core Photonic Bandgap Fibers for Use in Optical Fiber Lasers
Commercial usage of the fiber laser has significantly grown over the past decade with applicability in diverse sectors such as industrial, medical, sensing and defense markets due to its robustness, high efficiency and compactness. However, there are still limitations and areas of improvement for the fiber laser. Scaling of fiber lasers is limited...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Liang Dong, Kunimasa Saitoh
Keywords(s): Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Optical Fiber Systems and Methods
This technology features a composite perform having a core material rod that comprises single crystal silicon and a cladding material perform surrounding the core rod. These optical fibers provide better removal of dissipated heat from the beam in comparison to a nonlinear optical device fabricated from a traditional bulk crystal which promises higher...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): John Ballato, Robert Rice
Keywords(s): Electronics Parts/Manufacturing, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Polymer Colloid Based, Color Tailorable Organic Light-Emitting Diode
These polymer organic colloid-based light-emitting diodes can be manufactured with different types of electroluminescent dyes, creating diodes that can emit a single color or the full spectrum for white light. In 2016, the global light-emitting diode market was worth $28.89 billion. This market is expected continue grow quickly due to decreasing cost...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Huebner, David Evanoff, Stephen Foulger, Joseph Carroll
Keywords(s): Electronics Parts/Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Conducting Polymer Inks
Metal-based nanoparticles and carbon black particles have been used previously as the conducting phase in inks for the printing market due to their high conductivity. Polymeric conductive materials can alleviate the high-cost burden of metals but have had significant problems with solubility and some resulting in lower than desirable conductivities....
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Moongyu Han, Jay Sperry, Samuel Ingram, Stephen Foulger
Keywords(s): Electronics Parts/Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other, Packaging Materials
Category(s): Advanced Materials