Search Results - stephen+foulger

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Polymer Colloid Based, Color Tailorable Organic Light-Emitting Diode
These polymer organic colloid-based light-emitting diodes can be manufactured with different types of electroluminescent dyes, creating diodes that can emit a single color or the full spectrum for white light. In 2016, the global light-emitting diode market was worth $28.89 billion. This market is expected continue grow quickly due to decreasing cost...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Huebner, David Evanoff, Stephen Foulger, Joseph Carroll
Keywords(s): Electronics Parts/Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Conducting Polymer Inks
Metal-based nanoparticles and carbon black particles have been used previously as the conducting phase in inks for the printing market due to their high conductivity. Polymeric conductive materials can alleviate the high-cost burden of metals but have had significant problems with solubility and some resulting in lower than desirable conductivities....
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Moongyu Han, Jay Sperry, Samuel Ingram, Stephen Foulger
Keywords(s): Electronics Parts/Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other, Packaging Materials
Category(s): Advanced Materials