Search Results - nathan+weyand

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Potent and Selective Inhibition of a Single AMPA Receptor Subunit by an RNA Aptamer
Inhibitors of AMPA type glutamate ion channels for the treatment of neurological disorders such as ALS, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. <.HDBackground>Background: Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) play special roles in brain activities, such as memory and learning, and have been implicated in a variety of neurological diseases,...
Published: 1/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Li Niu, Zhen Huang, Yan Han, Congzhou Wang, Jae Seon Park
Keywords(s): RNA, Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Campus, Campus > University at Albany
A Natural Mouse Model that Enables the Discovery and Characterization of Bacterial and Host Factors that Mediate Neisseria Colonization and Persistence, and Targets for Vaccines and Antimicrobials
This technology is a natural small animal model that circumvents the barriers of host restriction, often seen when studying Neisseria species. This model can be used to study host determinants controlling colonization resistance and factors involved in Neisseria-host interactions and screening therapeutics and vaccines against Neisseria. Background: Neisseria...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Magdalene So, Jeffrey Frelinger, Man Cheong Ma, Daniel Powell, Katherine Rhodes, Nathan Weyand
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Infectious Diseases
A Pashto-English Dictionary
This technology is a multi-use dictionary that contains Pashto entries with corresponding English words, allowing individuals to learn either Pashto or English. Background: Current versions of online Pashto dictionaries have varying amounts of Pashto entries with English translations, many of which have no verification of their learning materials,...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yan Han, Atifa Rawan
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Creative Works, Technology Classifications > Software & Information Technology > Web & Internet