Search Results - materials+%26+chemicals+%3e+m-c%3a+polymers

19 Results Sort By:
Geometrically Dynamic Hydrogel-Based Chemically-Eluting Shunt Prosthesis
­ PAGE TITLE Geometrically Dynamic Hydrogel-Based Chemically-Eluting Shunt Prosthesis PAGE SUMMARY Congenital heart abnormalities such as hypoplastic left heart syndromereduce the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs, such that it does not carry sufficient levels of oxygen through the body. Complex surgeries shortly after birth are typically...
Published: 8/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Randy Stevens, Kara Spiller, Samantha Cassel, Krianthan Govender, Steven Chopski, Amy Throckmorton
Category(s): Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Materials & Chemicals, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Implantable/Prosthetic Devices, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics > Pharma: Drug Delivery
Renewable Bio-based (Meth)Acrylated Monomers as Vinyl Ester Cross-linkers
PAGE TITLE Overview PAGE SUMMARY Petroleum-based vinyl ester (VE) resins are one of the most common materials used in conventional thermosetting polymers and composites because of their improved performance and ease of processing. However, these materials contribute to the depletion of finite crude oil reserves, and the cost of manufacturing will...
Published: 8/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Giuseppe Palmese, John La Scala, Joshua Sadler, Anh-Phuong Thy Lam
Category(s): Materials & Chemicals, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Environmental, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Chemicals and Processes
Transparent Conformal polymer antennas for RFID and other wireless communications applications
PAGE TITLEOverview PAGE SUMMARY An optically transparent conformal polymer antenna and a method for producing the antenna from optically transparent conductive polymers. The method includes selecting an antenna design; providing an optically transparent conductive polymer material capable of being printed using an ink jet printer device; and printing...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kapil Dandekar, Adam Fontecchio, Timothy Kurzweg
Category(s): Materials & Chemicals, Communications & Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering & Electronics, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Communications & Cybersecurity > Comm: Antennas, Communications & Cybersecurity > Comm: Wireless, Electrical Engineering & Electronics > EE: Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering & Electronics > EE: Electronic Devices, Electrical Engineering & Electronics > EE: Components, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors > Hardware: Antennas, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors > Hardware: Electronic Components, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors > Hardware: Communication & Networking, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Electronic/Conductive, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers
Dynamic Time Multiplexing Fabrication of Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals for Increased Wavelength Sensitivity
PAGE TITLE Overview PAGE SUMMARY Described herein is a new holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal (HPDLC) medium with broadband reflective properties, and a new technique for fabrication of broadband HPDLC mediums. The new technique involves dynamic variation of the holography setup during HPDLC formation, enabling the broadening of the...
Published: 8/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Adam Fontecchio, Kashma Rai
Category(s): Materials & Chemicals, Electrical Engineering & Electronics, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Electronic/Conductive, Electrical Engineering & Electronics > EE: Hyperspectral Imaging, Electrical Engineering & Electronics > EE: Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering & Electronics > EE: Electronic Devices, Hardware, Circuits & Sensors > Hardware: Imaging, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Chemicals and Processes
Polymer dispersed liquid crystal photovoltaic device and method for making
PAGE TITLE Overview PAGE SUMMARY A novel photovoltaic device including a polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) material that is capable of converting solar energy to electrical energy and method for making. The device may optionally include a conductive container for holding the PDLC material. In an exemplary embodiment, the invention is directed...
Published: 8/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Adam Fontecchio, Jared Coyle
Category(s): Energy, Materials & Chemicals, Energy > Energy: Energy Harvesting, Energy > Energy: Solar, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Electronic/Conductive, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Coatings, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Thin Films
Echogenic Polymer microcapsules and nanocapsules and methods for production and use thereof
PAGE TITLEOverviewPAGE SUMMARY Methods for producing echogenic polymer microcapsules and nanocapsules for use in diagnostic imaging and delivery of bioactive compounds as well as targeted imaging and delivery to selected tissues and cells are provided. Compositions containing these echogenic polymer microcapsules and nanocapsules for use in diagnostic...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Margaret Wheatley, Dalia El-Sherif
Keywords(s): Cancer therapeutic
Category(s): Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics, Materials & Chemicals, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Imaging, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics > Pharma: Drug Delivery
High Resolution Electrohydrodynamic 3D Printing with Air Flow Focusing for High Viscosity Materials
PAGE TITLE High Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Printing of High Viscosity Materials PAGE SUMMARY Researchers in Drexel’s Department of Mechanical Engineering have developed an electrohydrodynamic (EHD) 3D inkjet printing system that uses an electric field to pull high viscosity inks to achieve high-resolution additive manufacturing....
Published: 8/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Gongyao (jack) Zhou, Dajing Gao
Category(s): Materials & Chemicals, Mechanical & Civil Engineering, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Additive Manufacturing, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Chemicals and Processes, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Mechanical & Civil Engineering > ME-CE: Mechanical Device
Method to repair a damaged intervertebral disc through the use of a bioadhesive, thermogelling hydrogel
PAGE TITLEOverviewPAGE SUMMARY The present invention is directed to a bioadhesive thermogelling hydrogel composition for repairing and/or augmenting an intervertebral disc. The bioadhesive thermogelling hydrogel composition can be cross linked with the surrounding tissue so as to potentially serve as a nucleus pulposus replacement or augmentation along...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Anthony Lowman, Andrea Jennifer Vernengo, Meredith Hans, Nigel Smith, Garland Fussell
Category(s): Materials & Chemicals, Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Implantable/Prosthetic Devices
Remendable interfaces for polymer composites
PAGE TITLE Overview PAGE SUMMARY Functionalized polymer matrix and/or reinforcement materials that are capable of a thermoreversible Diels-Alder reaction are useful for making composite materials. Also disclosed is a composite material which includes one or both of functionalized reinforcement materials and functionalized polymer matrix materials,...
Published: 8/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Giuseppe Palmese, Amy Peterson, Robert Jensen
Category(s): Materials & Chemicals, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Environmental, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers
Stabilized Ultrasound Contrast Agent
PAGE TITLEOverviewPAGE SUMMARY Provided is a particle-stabilized ultrasound contrast agentn (UCA) and methods of preparing same. Also provided is a method for preparing a lyoprotected UCA, a freeze-dried lyoprotected UCA, and a reconstituted freeze-dried lyoprotected UCA.IP STATUSIntellectual Property and Development StatusUnited States Patent Pending-...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Margaret Wheatley, Boriphat Methachan, Carl Solis
Category(s): Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics, Materials & Chemicals, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Imaging, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics > Pharma: Drug Delivery
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