Search Results - marcus+cooke

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Antibacterial-Modified Comet Assay for the Study of Genome Integrity in Bacterial Pathogenesis
Advantages: The modified comet assay delivers consistent, reproducible results, ensuring reliable data for bacterial pathogenesis and DNA damage/repair studies A cost-effective and user-friendly antimicrobial peptide, making the modified comet assay an economical solution The method is versatile, applicable to bacteria, mammalian cells, microbiome,...
Published: 12/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Marcus Cooke, Haley Lockhart
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Infectious Diseases, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics
Apparatus and Method for the Assessment of DNA Damage (The Comet Assay)
Competitive Advantages Increase in number of cell-containing slides being processed at a time. Slide carriers facilitate parallel, batch processing of multiple slides reducing manual handling and decreases the risk of damage/loss of fragile cell-containing gels. The slide carriers make for easy insertion and removal of slides from the electrophoresis...
Published: 11/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Marcus Cooke, Mahsa Karbaschii
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Genetics, Health Tech, Medical Devices
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Chemistry, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biomaterials
Lens with Electronically Controlled Optical Properties
Executive SummaryThis MSU-developed device allows for electrical control of the optical properties in a liquid lens and other optic devices. Capable of altering light’s focal point, this technology lends itself into many applications such as displays, microscopes, telescopes, interferometers, and many more. Description of TechnologyBy controlling...
Published: 8/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Gary Blanchard, Greg Swain, Romana Jarosova, Ke Ma
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Chemicals, Devices, Photonics