Search Results - logistics

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Batteryless, Chipless Millimeterwave RFID Tags (UCLA Case No. 2023-220)
Intro Sentence: UCLA researchers in the Department of Computer Science have developed a chipless and batteryless RFID tag that operates at mmWave frequency and achieves millimeter resolution. Background: Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags have been used for a wide range of applications, such as baggage tracking and item localization in warehouses....
Published: 2/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Omid Abari, Mohammadreza Pakdeh, Mohammad Hossein Mazaheri Kalahrody
Keywords(s): - Agriculture, Antenna (Radio) Flip Chip DisplayPort, Antennas/Wireless, Chipset, Electronics & Semiconductors, Internet of Things (IoT), Inventory, Inventory Management, Logistics, Millimeterwave network, real-time sensing/monitoring/tracking, RFID, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Semiconductor, Semiconductors, Wireless
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Wireless > Antennas, Electrical > Wireless, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Electrical > Sensors
Smartphone Software to Manage Electronic Patient Data Without Internet Access
Provides a Platform to Locate and Identify Patients and Maintain Medical Records When Operating Offline, During Disease Outbreaks, or During Natural DisastersThis smartphone data-collection software optimizes medical providers' access to and management of patient medical records, integrate diagnostics, and automates evidence-based treatment guidelines...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Eric Nelson, Stace Maples
Keywords(s): cholera, decision-support, logistics, outbreak responder, rehydration calculator
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software > Mobile Apps