Search Results - eric+nelson

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Smartphone Software to Manage Electronic Patient Data Without Internet Access
Provides a Platform to Locate and Identify Patients and Maintain Medical Records When Operating Offline, During Disease Outbreaks, or During Natural DisastersThis smartphone data-collection software optimizes medical providers' access to and management of patient medical records, integrate diagnostics, and automates evidence-based treatment guidelines...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Eric Nelson, Stace Maples
Keywords(s): cholera, decision-support, logistics, outbreak responder, rehydration calculator
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software > Mobile Apps
Novel Cholera Vaccine Consisting of Outer Membrane Vesicles
Cholera remains a persistent threat in the developing world, where clean drinking water is scarce. Due to lack of access to adequate medical facilities and the epidemic nature of the disease, a cholera vaccine is the most viable option for dealing with the disease in endemic areas. However, current vaccine formulations are ineffective as they are too...
Published: 6/4/2020   |   Inventor(s): Andrew Camilli, Eric Nelson, Stefan Schild
Category(s): Therapeutic: vaccine