Search Results - jonathan+james

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Terahertz Waveguide Structures
A patented fabrication method of waveguide structures developed at STFC which overcomes the 600 GHz limitations of current systems and allows operation up to 10 THz.IMAGES Published: 6/8/2022   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Mark Mann, Brian Moyna, Jonathan James
Keywords(s): 01.a. Electronics, 01.b. Microelectronics, 01.g. Telecommunication, Networking, 01.h. Imaging & Detector Technology, 02.b. Industrial Manufacture, 03.c1 Wave-guides, 05.a. Astronomy, 05.f. Physics, 10.a. Safety & Security
Category(s): Electronics & Semiconductors, NDT, Security Applications, Scientific Instrumentation, Sensors & detectors
Terahertz Portal Scanner
The scanner works by detecting Terahertz energy (far IR) emitted by the body naturally to detect concealed objects. This passive system means that it is 100% safe to use on all people. This technology includes some unique and innovative features such as; non-invasive detection as it does not image intimate areas of the body and a detection range of...
Published: 10/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Mark Mann, Brian James Maddison, Jonathan James
Keywords(s): 01.a. Electronics, 10. PROTECTING MAN AND ENVIRONMENT
Category(s): Sensors & detectors, Space Technology, Security Applications, Electronics & Semiconductors