Search Results - 01.b.+microelectronics

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Terahertz Waveguide Structures
A patented fabrication method of waveguide structures developed at STFC which overcomes the 600 GHz limitations of current systems and allows operation up to 10 THz.IMAGES Published: 6/8/2022   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Mark Mann, Brian Moyna, Jonathan James
Keywords(s): 01.a. Electronics, 01.b. Microelectronics, 01.g. Telecommunication, Networking, 01.h. Imaging & Detector Technology, 02.b. Industrial Manufacture, 03.c1 Wave-guides, 05.a. Astronomy, 05.f. Physics, 10.a. Safety & Security
Category(s): Electronics & Semiconductors, NDT, Security Applications, Scientific Instrumentation, Sensors & detectors
OPIC Sensor
STFC Engineers have developed a CMOS detector with the ability to detect rapid increases in incident radiation within a single exposure period. This functionality makes the detector particularly useful in the detection of sudden external event, while not limiting any normal uses. DESCRIPTIONNormal CMOS or CCD detectors do not give any information as...
Published: 10/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): James Phillip Crooks, Michael Towrie, Renato Andrea Danilo Turchetta
Keywords(s): 01.a. Electronics, 01.b. Microelectronics, 01.h. Imaging & Detector Technology
Category(s): Sensors & detectors, Scientific Instrumentation, Space Technology, Electronics & Semiconductors