Search Results - honesto+poblete

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Novel three dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering made by processing complex extracts of natural extracellular matrices
PAGE TITLEOverviewPAGE SUMMARY Methods of making a biologically active three-dimensional scaffold capable of supporting growth and differentiation of a cell are described. Biologically active three-dimensional scaffold made by the methods of the invention and an engineered tissue made from the scaffolds are described. Fibers of desired porosity can...
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Lelkes, Honesto Poblete, Mengyan Li, Anat Perets Katsir, Philip Lazarovici
Keywords(s): Tissue engineering
Category(s): Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Materials & Chemicals, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Chemicals and Processes, Materials & Chemicals > M-C: Polymers, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Implantable/Prosthetic Devices