Search Results - crystal+kelly

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ATM-dependent phosphorylation of Sp1 is involved in the cellular response to DNA damage and enhances cellular survival after DNA damage
PAGE TITLEOverview PAGE SUMMARY The present invention is related to the discovery that phosphorylation of SP1 (SEQ ID NO.: 2) at serine residue 101 (known herein as phosphoserine101 Sp1) is an important part of a cell's response to DNA damage. This phosphorylation event is important for subsequent Sp1 localization to a site of DNA damage and is correlated...
Published: 5/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Jane Clifford, Crystal Kelly, Beatrix Olofsson
Keywords(s): Antibody, In-vitro diagnostics
Category(s): Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics > Pharma: Genome Engineering, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics > Pharma: Infectious Disease