Search Results - co2+to+fuels

7 Results Sort By:
Thermo-Electrochemical Cycle and Reactor for Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide Production
Background The creation of effective energy conversion technologies has become essential in response to the challenges of integrating diurnally and seasonally intermittent and variable renewable energy resources. Specifically, one of the most important steps toward the economical production of sustainable fuels and organic chemicals is the conversion...
Published: 4/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ivan Ermanoski, Ryan Milcarek, Ellen Stechel, James Miller
Keywords(s): CO2 to Fuels, Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy storage, Hydrogen, Renewable Products and Chemicals, Solar Energy
Category(s): Physical Science, Energy & Power, Environmental, Alternative Energy
Thermochemical Labyrinth Reactor
­Thermochemical reactors provide an effective means for water splitting and carbon dioxide splitting. These reactors are able to produce energized chemicals (e.g., hydrogen and carbon monoxide), which can subsequently be used in other chemical reactions (e.g., to reduce, add functionality, etc.) or from which other chemicals can be made (e.g.,...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ivan Ermanoski, James Miller, Roy Hogan, Jr., Ryan Milcarek
Keywords(s): CO2 to Fuels, Energy, Energy Efficiency, High Temperature, Hydrogen, Renewable Products and Chemicals, Solar Energy, Thermal Storage
Category(s): Physical Science, Environmental, Energy & Power
Photocatalytic Composite for Carbon Dioxide Conversion to Methane
Background Power plants, automobiles, and many other sources expel billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year. A major greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. As the world’s population increases, the amount of fossil fuel used to create energy increases, as the amount of fuel burned increases, the amount of carbon dioxide in...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jean Andino, Tingting Gao
Keywords(s): CO2 to Fuels, Energy, Environmental
Category(s): Alternative Energy
Electrically Powered Thermochemical Reactor for Two-Step Splitting of Water or Carbon Dioxide
Background Thermochemical reactors can provide an effective means for splitting water and carbon dioxide. These reactors are able to produce energized chemicals such as H2 and CO, which can be subsequently used in other chemical reactions (e.g., as reductants or as fuels). In water splitting, the main competing technologies are steam-methane reforming...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ivan Ermanoski
Keywords(s): CO2 to Fuels, Electric Grid Load Leveling, Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy storage, Renewable Products and Chemicals, Solar Energy
Category(s): Alternative Energy, Energy & Power, Manufacturing/Construction/Mechanical, Physical Science
High-Temperature Low-Cost Heater Lamp
Background High-temperature heaters have many applications, including the high-temperature processing of materials. As fossil fuel burners, such as natural gas burners, are replaced with renewable alternatives, the number of applications will increase. Conventional high temperature electrical heaters have been based on silicon carbide or molybdenum...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ivan Ermanoski, Xiang Gao, Ryan Milcarek
Keywords(s): CO2 to Fuels, Energy, Energy storage, High Temperature, High Temperature Materials
Category(s): Physical Science, Manufacturing/Construction/Mechanical, Energy & Power
Simultaneous CO2 and NO Control / Nitrous Oxide Generation Technique
Controlling products like carbon dioxide from combustion systems can help chemical manufacturers adjust to the recent limit on carbon emissions by the Environmental Protection Agency. Existing control techniques use carbon dioxide as feed to generate reusable chemicals thus reducing emissions. However, manufacturers use expensive modified combustion...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jean Andino, Selisa Rollins
Keywords(s): Catalysis, CO2 to Fuels, Environmental, NOx control
Category(s): Alternative Energy, Energy & Power, Environmental Remediation/Wastewater Treatment, Physical Science
Membrane Biofilm Reactors (MBfRs) for High Volumetric Production Rate of Valuable Products
High petroleum costs coupled with major environmental concerns have pushed researchers to search for alternative and renewable sources of energy. Biomass represents an abundant, sustainable resource for energy production. Bio- and thermo-chemical conversion schemes often result in formation of energy-dense gases from biomass. Since as much as 30% of...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Prathap Parameswaran, Cesar Torres, Bruce Rittmann, Sudeep Popat, Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown
Keywords(s): Biofilms, CO2 to Fuels, Microbes, bacteria, fungi, virus, yeast
Category(s): Alternative Energy, Alternative Energy/Biofuels/Bioplastics/Algae, Energy & Power, Life Science (All LS Techs)