Search Results - christopher+bagwell

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Low-Power Edge Device for Wireless Communication Range Extension
An enhanced, ultra low power passive wake-up radio-based sensor includes a passive wake-up radio-based sensor node having an energy harvester and low power wake-up circuit to improve the wake-up range for passive wake-up radio sensor nodes without the need for local power. The wake-up sensor may additionally include a transmitter for providing a wake-up...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wendi Heinzelman, He Ba, Li Chen
Category(s): Communications
MicroCED: Microbiological-based Chlorinated Ethene Destruction
MicroCED is an innovative treatment technology for the containment, detoxification and elimination of chlorinated ethenes (CE) in the environment. MicroCED consists of several novel microorganisms that are new to science. MicroCED rapidly and completely converts CE to non-toxic, safe end products without production or accumulation of toxic by-products....
Published: 1/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Freedman, William Bratt, Christopher Bagwell, Robin Brigmon, Elizabeth Wood
Keywords(s): Bioprocessing/Biotechnology, Energy - Green Technology, Environmental/Water Remediation, Geology
Category(s): Biotechnology