Search Results - carlos+rinaldi

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Nanoparticles for Uniform Nanowarming of Cryopreserved Organs
Enhances Organ Transplant Viability by Rewarming Without Damaging Temperature Gradients These nanoparticles leverage biocompatible coating and exceptional aggregation resistance to permeate organs for cryopreservation and nanowarming. Organ transplants deliver lifesaving care to tens of thousands of Americans each year, but the demand for transplants...
Published: 8/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Carlos Rinaldi, Andreina Chiu Lam
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Others
Magnetically Templated Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
Repairs Peripheral Nerve Injuries by Magnetically Guiding the Construction of Bioscaffolds These magnetically templated tissue engineering scaffolds for biomedical applications, particularly as nerve guides for peripheral nerve injury repair. Peripheral nerve injuries (PNI) have a significant socioeconomic impact, resulting in over 8 million restricted...
Published: 3/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Carlos Rinaldi, Andrew Garcia, Zin Khaing, Christopher Lacko, Christine Schmidt
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Consumable, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Therapeutics
Nanoparticles with Improved Magnetic Capacity
Produces Nanoparticles in Which the Particle's Magnetic Core Size Closely Matches Its Physical SizeThese magnetic nanoparticles have greater magnetic capacity, translated to improved functional properties, than magnetic nanoparticles available, potentially decreasing the costs of nanoparticle used in a broad range of industrial and biomedical applications....
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Carlos Rinaldi, Mythreyi Unni
Keywords(s): Magnetic Drameter, Magnetic Nanoparticle, Magnetically Dead Layer, magnetite, Nanoparticle, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Others, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Consumable, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Others
Magnetically-Triggered Drug Delivery Vehicles for Controlled, Targeted Therapy
Provides Clinicians Unprecedented Control over Spatial and Temporal Distribution of a Drug or AgentThis magnetically-triggered drug delivery platform can deliver a wide array of nano-medicines to targeted cells in the body. Nanotechnology is a growing science that is useful in targeting and treating cancerous cells and other harmful agents. The global...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Carlos Rinaldi, Brent Sumerlin, Hao Sun
Keywords(s): Cancer Cells Targeting, Cancer Drug Delivery, controlled medication release, Drug Delivery (controlled), drug delivery particles, lysomal death pathways, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Drug Delivery
Magnetic Particle Spectrometer that Evaluates Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Uses Motionless Sample to Characterize Nanoparticles Intended for Use in Magnetic Particle ImagingThis magnetic particle spectrometer surpasses available AC susceptometers and magnetic particle spectrometers because it uses high magnetic field amplitude, large frequency range, and specialized coils and signal analysis to remove background noise in order...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): David Arnold, Carlos Rinaldi, Nicolas Garraud
Keywords(s): Magnetic nanoparticle characterization, Magnetic spectrometer, Magnetic susceptometer
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Electrical, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Instrumentation-Sensors-Photonics