Search Results - cancer+drugs

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N-Heterocyclic Carbene Aptamers that Target Drug Delivery to Specific Cancer Cells
Cytotoxic Therapy Targets Malignancies, Avoiding Healthy Cells and Negative Side Effects Caused by Heavy Metal Buildup in OrgansThese aptamers, conjugated with N-heterocyclic carbene metal complexes, deliver therapeutic doses of the cytotoxic metal ion to targeted cancer cells. These complexes avoid toxicity to healthy cells while being highly effective...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Adam Veige, Mary Garner, Weijia Niu
Keywords(s): Aptamer crosslinker, aptamers, Cancer Cells Targeting, Cancer Drug Delivery, Cancer Drugs, Cancer Therapeutics, Cancer Therapeutics: Small Molecule, carbene, Cytotoxic, metal ion
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical, Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Therapeutics