Search Results - anodized+alumina

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Transfer of Nanowires onto Flexible Substrates
Effectively Fabricates Vertically Aligned, Ultra-High Density, Flexible NanowiresThese anodized alumina nanowires are vertically aligned, feature ultra-high density and are easily deposited into templates through a variety of existing methods. They are transferable onto flexible substrates, offering an inexpensive way of manufacturing flexible nanowires....
Published: 4/14/2022   |   Inventor(s): Kirk Ziegler, Cheng Xu, Jie Liu
Keywords(s): anodized alumina, flexible electronics, flexible substrate, Nanowires, perfect ordering, Semiconductor, transfer nanostructure
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical
Anodized Alumina Template That Fabricates Thermally Stable Nanostructures
Improves Efficacy of Fabrication Process for Nanostructures That Can Be Used in Batteries, Photovoltaics, Sensors and MoreThis Anodized Alumina template (AAO) constructs ordered Particle-In-Cavity (PIC) nanostructures that are thermally stable and high in nanocavity density. These nanostructures may be employed large-scale in fields such as nanoplasmonics,...
Published: 4/12/2022   |   Inventor(s): Kirk Ziegler, Luping Li, Justin Wong, Cheng Xu, Yang Zhao
Keywords(s): anodized alumina, nanocavity, Nanoparticles, particle-in-cavity, perfect ordering, SERS, surface plasmon
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials