Search Results - andrew+david+ward

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Prefusion Coronavirus Spike Proteins and Their Use
Coronaviruses (CoVs) can cause severe respiratory disease with high fatality rates in humans. The 2002-2003 SARS-CoV epidemic resulted in 8098 cases and 744 deaths, and MERS-CoV, which emerged in 2012, has resulted in 2144 cases and over 750 deaths as of March 2018. Currently, there are no effective prophylactic or therapeutic measures, and because...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Masaru Kanekiyo, Michael Joyce, Kizzmekia Corbett, Hadi Yassine, Jason McLellan, Christopher Cottrell, Nianshuang Wang, Jesper Pallesen, Hannah Turner, Robert Kirchdoerfer, Andrew Ward, Barney Graham
Keywords(s): CORONAVIRUS, DC5BXX, proteins, Stabilized, VACCINATION
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Vaccines
Optical Tweezers Feedback
The nanoprobe is a free-floating 3D force probe for single molecule research. The unique active feedback sensor tracks and controls the position and movement of the nanoprobe. Additionally, fast and dynamic force measurement of multiple objects is enabled by selective read-out of active pixels within the sensor array.IMAGES  Published: 6/8/2022   |   Inventor(s): Stanley Botchway, Mark Lyndon Prydderch, Michael Towrie, Renato Andrea Danilo Turchetta, Andrew David Ward
Keywords(s): 05.k. Nanotech. (physical science), 06.b. Biology/Biotechnology, 06.d. Micro- & Nanotech. (bioscience)
Category(s): Nanotechnology, Optics & Lasers, Sensors & detectors, Scientific Instrumentation
Optical Tweezers
The nanoprobe is a free-floating 3D force probe for single molecule research. Advanced fabrication processes allow greater versatility and applications. The position and orientation of the nanoprobe is tracked and controlled by a unique active feedback sensor. VIDEOS IMAGES DESCRIPTION Technology to manipulate and monitor on the nanometre scale is...
Published: 6/8/2022   |   Inventor(s): Stanley Botchway, Michael Towrie, Andrew David Ward
Keywords(s): 05.k. Nanotech. (physical science), 06.b. Biology/Biotechnology, 06.d. Micro- & Nanotech. (bioscience)
Category(s): Nanotechnology, Optics & Lasers, Scientific Instrumentation
Droplet Deformation
Shaped microscopic particles find application in a variety of industries like paint, food, photonics, etc. STFC has developed an innovative technology which provides a unique capability for the deformation of droplets (oils, polar solvents, gels, etc.) through the use of optical traps generated by laser beams. Once the droplets are shaped, they may...
Published: 6/8/2022   |   Inventor(s): Colin Bain, Christopher Mellor, Andrew David Ward
Keywords(s): 02.g. Materials Technology, 03.d. Chemical Tech. & Engg., 03.i. Printing, 05.j. Microtech. (physical science), 06.b. Biology/Biotechnology, 08.a. Technology for the food industry
Category(s): Manufacturing & Process Engineering, Nanotechnology, Pharmaceuticals & Biologics, Food & Beverage Technology