Scanning probe microscope head
Invention Summary: Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) offers access to material characteristics at the nanometer scale. However, integrating SPMs into research environments poses challenges: incompatibility with cryogenic temperature and high magnetic fields, noisy laboratory environment, and integration issues with other instruments. Typically, these require costly solutions. The Rutgers modular, pluggable SPM head solves many of these issues and is transferable between mK to room temperatures, from ambient to ultra-high vacuum, in a high-vibration environment (including closed-cycle cryostat), and inside the bore of a strong superconducting magnet. Rutgers SPM head enables access to scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, and electrical transport measurements, broadening the operator's capabilities. This SPM head can be incorporated into any existing system with simple, minor adjustments.
Market Applications:
Intellectual Property & Development Status:
Issued US patent (11,474,127). Available for licensing and/or search collaboration. For any business development and other collaborative partnerships contact