Wirelessly Powered MRI Signal Amplification System and Method

The invention is in the field of MRI, and more specifically relates to device and method that may provide great improvements in the area of interventional MRI. The technology describes an MRI detection coil that has been integrated with a parametric amplifier to provide local signal detection fully integrated with amplification. This amplification is done in a way that is inherently wireless, thus enabling efficient signal transmission. The integrated MRI detector/amplifier can be used in a number of applications. First, it can replace conventional MRI amplification typically done with transistor, thus eliminating the need for wires. Second, it can replace what is traditionally used as part of implanted or catheter coils for interventional procedures with MRI. The advantage is that the signal can be amplified, and wireless transmission is part of the amplification scheme. Therefore signal can be transmitted from the subject in a way that provides detection at higher sensitivity than conventional coils without internal amplification.
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