Walking Works Wonders WWW


Working life is increasingly sedentary. We are facing a sitting epidemic in the workplace. This is a major health problem, as prolonged sitting is a risk factor for a wide range of chronic diseases.


Walking Works Wonders is an evidence based intervention, involving innovative health education designed to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour at work.


Tailoring workplace interventions is an approach pioneered by Professor Cheryl Haslam, which has attracted international acclaim and awards from the American Psychological Association and the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


Cheryl is a Chartered Health Psychologist and Fellow of the British Psychological Society and has been conducting influential occupational health research for over 30 years.


Benefits of Walking Works Wonders


Employee benefits

    weight loss

    improved health and well being

Employer benefits

    financial savings

    improved customer service

Joint benefits

    increased productivity

    reduced sickness absence

    improved staff morale


WWW provides organisations with the self-sustaining means to promote the health of their workforce. As a result of this knowledge transfer, organisations will reap significant health, social and economic benefits including improvements in staff morale and productivity, reductions in sickness absence and staff turnover, as demonstrated in participating organisations in the original WWW research.


The service is being offered to businesses of all sizes in the public and private sector, and a franchisee network is being created to deliver the service nationally.



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