Treating Kidney Disorders via Targeted Nanoparticles


  • Collagen IV targeted nanoparticles for drug delivery to kidney glomeruli to treat lupus nephritis and other kidney disorders.
  • Therapeutic efficiency: The nanoparticles loaded with prednisone effectively treated lupus nephritis in mice.
  • Reduced systemic toxicity.


Our inventors developed a novel nanoparticle drug delivery system to specifically targets glomeruli for the treatment of glomerular diseases.

The nanoparticles are approximately 100 nm in size and are made by coupling base PFC nanoparticles with a collagen IV targeting peptide that selectively targets kidney glomeruli by binding collagen IV of the glomerular basement membrane. The nanoparticles exhibit an increased circulation half-life while decreasing immune system clearance. Delivery of these targeted nanoparticles containing the anti-inflammatory drug prednisolone, showed remarkable efficacy in a mouse model of lupus nephritis, reducing proteinuria, improving glomerular filtration, and minimizing kidney damage.

 This targeted nanotechnology provides a significant improvement for treating lupus nephritis and potentially other kidney diseases while reducing adverse effects. 

Representative images of kidneys from mice receiving the collagen IV targeted nanoparticles (Col4-LC-NPs D)

Desired Partnerships:

  • License 
  • Sponsored Research 
  • Co-Development 
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