Sealants for Fetal Membrane Repair

NU 2009-127 



Carrie Brubaker 

Phillip B. Messersmith* 

Andreas Zisch 


Short Description

Tissue glue for prevention and treatment of fetal membrane rupture 



Invasive diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in utero frequently are complicated by amniotic fluid leakage, separation of amnion and chorion, or even iatrogenic preterm premature rupture of the fetal membranes (iPPROM). This rupture often occurs during the second or third trimester of pregnancy, immobilizing the pregnant patient in bed and presenting serious danger to both mother and fetus. For fetoscopic procedures, rates of iPPROM between 6-45% are reported. A plug material used as a prophylactic in fetoscopic access sites (or in the case of established rupture) needs to present an immediate, nontoxic, and ideally durable physical barrier to amniotic fluid. Northwestern researchers have developed a synthetic hydrogel-type tissue adhesive as a potential sealing modality for iatrogenic membrane defects. The tissue sealant crosslinks into a hydrogel upon addition of a biocompatible oxidant. The material was evaluated against competing options for cell toxicity, elution toxicity, tissue adhesion, and stability. The hydrogel proved superior in all phases versus the competitive materials. This invention presents an important preventative for and solution to the dangerous problem of iPPROM. 



  • Prevention and treatment of iatrogenic preterm premature rupture of the fetal membranes



  • Prevents spread of infection resulting from fetal surgical procedures
  • Protects against early labor due to iPPROM



Bilic G, Brubaker C, Messersmith P, Mallik A, Quinn T, Haller C, Done E, Gucciardo L, Zeisberger S, Zimmermann R, Deprest J, Zisch A. (2010)  Injectable candidate sealants for fetal membrane repair: bonding and toxicity in vitro. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 202(1):85.e1-9. 


IP Status

Issued US Patent No. 8,409,602. A PCT application has been filed.



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