Nanomaterials have a very diverse range of applications. Graphite encapsulated magnetic metal nanoparticles are of interest as magnetic data-storage media. Nanotubes have applications including: improved carbon-carbon composites for strong lightweight components (e.g. airplane skins and golf clubs), nanometer-scale electronic devices, electron guns for flat-screen televisions, and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) tips. Several synthesis methods are available for multi-walled nanotubes and they can be produced in bulk. However, there are no comparable methods for the bulk synthesis of single-walled nanotubes, which can therefore cost as much as $2000 per gram.
Scientists at the University of California have developed a rapid method for the bulk synthesis of carbon nanotubes and graphite encapsulated metal nanoparticles.
The new University of California process is a true bulk method for synthesizing nanotubes and graphite encapsulated metal nanoparticles. It offers: