Rabbit polyclonal antibody directed against human cytomegalovirus protein UL128

Technology Overview
Rabbit polyclonal antisera against human cytomegalovirus (CMV) protein UL128 has been developed. This antisera is useful for research involving CMV. Please refer to the following publication for more information on this antisera.

Aliquot provided: 0.5mL aliquots are provided. A minimum of three (3) aliquots of any combination of polyclonal antisera classified under OHSU Technology #1260 is required for each license/MTA.

Ryckman B.J., et al. Characterization of the Human Cytomegalovirus gH/gL/UL128-131 complex that mediates entry into epithelial and endothelial cells. J. Virology (2008) 82(1):60-70. Link

Licensing Opportunity
The polyclonal antisera is available for non-exclusive licensing.


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