Optimum Information Transmission with Maximum Time-Frequency Concentration Orthogonal Functions

Efficient Data Transmission Using Orthogonal Pulse Shapes



Invention Summary

This invention is related to methods and systems provided for transmitting data using an orthogonal pules shape multiplexing scheme. This invention makes the use of pulse shapes directly for signal transmission and a set of orthogonal functions with minimum time-frequency localization for pulse shaping to transmit several signals at the same time. The received vector can be transformed based on a transform matrix constructed using on the plurality of discrete pulses. The transformed vector can be transmitted to a receiver.


Market Opportunity

In the existing communications and networking systems, all the users have the same pulse shaped filter such as Gaussian filter, raised-cosine filter, or Nyquist root impulses shaped filter which are not optimum in the sense of time-frequency localization. This is a new digital orthogonal pulse shaping method to be used in a pulse shape multiplexing scheme for digital communications. As a carrier-less transmission scheme, the shaped signals are multiplexed and transmitted.


Features and Benefits

- The proposed signal multiplexing scheme provides maximum energy concentration in time and frequency

- It has much better usage of time and frequency resources than OFDM systems.

- The proposed orthogonal pulses are designed either for a small number modulation arrays or a few number of sub-channels.

- Orthogonal pulse shaping using Hermite functions provides optimal use of the communications resources in terms of duration-bandwidth product.


Intellectual Property

Issued Patent number: 10,333,746

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