Neutral Redistricting Using a Multi-Level Weighted Graph Partitioning Algorithm

A non-biased, efficient algorithm for redistricting jurisdictions 


 Technology Overview:  

In the 1960s, Nobel Prize winning economist William Vickrey posited that computers would soon be able to draw legislative districts without bias in an automatic and impersonal way. We have created a new algorithm for redistricting that shows no indication of bias that is also efficient enough to handle the largest jurisdictions analysts might examine.



  • Analysts may use more detailed data to develop maps;
  • Analysts can evaluate maps in larger more complex settings;
  • Analysis can use standard desktop or laptop computers to evaluate maps as opposed to large, costly computing clusters or super computers.
  • The algorithm exhibits no indication of bias in the way it draws maps of districts. Alternative approaches have been shown to draw particular types of districts which precludes a valid comparison to maps analysts may wish to evaluate.



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