Method for Determining Dietary Fat Absorption

Method for Determining Dietary Fat Absorption

(CHMC Ref. Id: 2003-0508)


The invention is a composition used as a test meal comprising a predetermined amount of dietary fat and a predetermined amount of a non-absorbable fat marker, such as a sucrose polyester in the form of sucrose behenate.  The method for measuring total dietary fat absorption by the digestive tract of a subject comprises the steps of administering ingestion of the test meal by the subject, collecting a sample of fecal matter at an interval following ingestion of the test meal, measuring the amount of the non-absorbable fat marker recovered in the fecal sample, and calculating the amount of dietary fat recovered from the test meal to determine the amount of dietary fat that was absorbed by the digestive tract of the subject. 


  • Measuring dietary fat absorption
  • Diagnosing causes of malnutrition


  • Only a single test meal is required
  • Subject needs to collect only one stool sample for testing
  • Marker is completely excreted and handled like normal dietary fats
  • Marker is easily measured by gas chromatography

Patent Information:

  • Patent Issued 7,695,971

Cincinnati Children's Lead Inventor:

James Heubi, M.D.

Patent Information: