Hybrid Photochromic Material

Photochromic Materials


Researchers at Queen’s University have developed a new class of photochromic organoboron materials that are switchable between transparent and translucent states in response to UV light and/or oxygen. The color change can be observed visually under visible light or detected under UV irradiation (see Fig.1, below and in attached PDF). The colour of these materials can be switched between colourless and dark blue or dark green in a liquid as well as in a polymer matrix (see Fig. 2, below and in attached PDF). Researchers are able to tune the color, stability, and color switching rate of the materials through the modification of molecular structures according to desired features for specific commercial applications.


Fig. 1


Fig. 2


Technology advantages:

  • Sharp colour contrast

  • Tunable colours

  • Fast switching rate between colours

  • Sensitive to oxygen in the dark state

  • Distinct florescent change under UV light

  • Compatible with various polymers                                                                    


Potential Applications:       

  • UV-protective barriers 
  • Oxygen indicator

  • Invisible printing and coding

  • Photochromic coating/windows

  • Optical memory devices

  • Entertaining/patterning products through color change


Status of Commercialization:

PARTEQ Innovations, the technology transfer arm of Queen’s University, is currently in the process of protecting the technology, and seeking industrial partners willing to collaboratively develop or license the technology.


Download the PDF version of this technology descriptor: http://parteq.technologypublisher.com/files/sites/tob-colour-switching-materials.pdf



Lucy Su, PhD

Manager, Commercial Development

Phone: 613. 533. 2342

613. 533. 6000 ext. 79459

Cell:    613. 583. 7227

Fax:     613. 533. 6853

Email: LSu@parteqinnovations.com

Patent Information: