High-frequency Structures for Nanoelectronics and Molecular Electronics Characterizations

The technology allows users to obtain electrical measurements of small devices and minute amounts of materials. These devices could include magnetoelectronic/spintronic devices and high-impedance devices, for instance a metallic single-walled carbon-nanotube (mSWNT), a SWNT transistor, a minimum-size deep-submicron metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) field-effect-transistor (FET), a sub-micron MOS FET that is operating in sub-threshold region, and a molecular device. Other materials of measurement interest may include on-chip biofluids, chemicals, and thin films.


· Micro/Nano electronics characterization 

· Biosensing applications 

· Diagnostic devices


· Increased measurement precision capability 

· Potential earlier detection 

· Less material needed for measurement


Inventors:                        P. Wang, C. Song

Protection Status:           Patent issued; # 7,724,005

Licensing Status:            Available for licensing

Additional Terms:          Micro-electronics, Nano-electronics, Biosensing, Diagnostic, Carbon nanotubes

CURF Ref No:                07-036


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