With the onset of COVID-19, the major preventative recommendations issued by the CDC were to social distance, wash hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, avoid touching potentially contaminated surfaces and wearing face coverings/gloves (disposable or reusable) in certain situations. Not touching contaminated surfaces remains a challenge for the general populous. The main advantage of disposable gloves is that once one is done using them, they can be discarded, taking any infectious material with them. Reusable gloves are more durable than disposable gloves since they are designed for multiple uses, which may be beneficial for some applications where greater protection is desired. Researchers at Rowan University have proposed the HandyMitt as an alternative to disposable/reusable gloves for use in reducing contact with potentially infectious surfaces.
The conceptual technology is like a mitten with its own pocket case for storage constructed of rubber, plastic, fabric, or combinations of these materials. The device is portable, easily cleaned, effective, can be easily carried, and is affordable. The invention is used for opening/closing doors, using a credit card, operating a gas pump, holding on to bars on mass transport, pressing buttons, and picking up mail/menus.
Competitive Advantages
Rowan University is seeking a partner(s) for further development and potential commercialization of this technology. The inventor is available to collaborate with interested companies.