Direct Reading Detection Kits for Surface Contamination by Anti-Neoplastic (Anti-Cancer) Drugs

Anti-neoplastic drugs, also known as anti-cancer drugs or chemotherapy, are used in the treatment of many types of cancer. However, these drugs are harmful to healthy cells as well as the cancerous cells. Exposure of healthcare workers to anti-neoplastic drugs from contaminated surfaces and drug vials in hospitals and pharmacies is a continuing problem as the drugs can cause both acute and long-term effects. Although there are sensitive techniques to evaluate contamination, results from these tests take time and must be performed in a laboratory. CDC researchers developed a real-time detection kit that can be used in the workplace to test for anti-neoplastic drug contamination. The direct reading anti-neoplastic drug detector based on lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) technology has been developed for the assessment of drug residues on surfaces. These detectors are incorporated into kits that allow workers to sample surfaces to assess drug contamination in near real-time. Detection kits for three anti-neoplastic drugs (5-Fluorouracil, Paclitaxel, and Doxorubicin) have been developed and kits for several other anti-neoplastic agents may be possible based on this technology.
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