Design and Implementation of a Novel Portable C3S3 System


A portable, capillary-based cell culture platform for in vitro screening and viability assays that can produce an array of homogeneously sized cells for in vitro cell culture 


Biosensors are devices that typically use biological molecules to detect other biological molecules or chemical substances. Detection of food-borne pathogens, biochemical agents, environmental toxins or early cancer biomarkers, requires elaborate time-consuming culturing techniques that must be completed in a microbiology laboratory. Cell-based biosensors (CBBs) can simplify many of these applications and provide better approach towards early detection with improved prognosis.


 Technology Overview:  

 The Capillary Cell Culture, Screening and Survival System (C3S3) is a portable, capillary-based cell culture platform for in vitro screening and viability assays. The C3S3 technology can produce an array of homogeneously sized cells for in vitro cell culture.



  • Scalable.
  • Inexpensive.
  • Non-toxic and biocompatible. 

Intellectual Property Summary:

U. S. 13/640,896 

Patent Information: